Parents and grandparents Sponsorship

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Trigeminal Neuralagia
May 7, 2018
May 15, 2019

Parents and grandparents Sponsorship

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Parents and grandparents Sponsorship

You may be able to sponsor your parents and grandparents to become a permanent resident if you’re at least 18 years old and a:

  • Canadian citizen or
  • a person registered in Canada as an Indian under the Canadian Indian Act or
  • permanent resident of Canada

If you sponsor your parents and grandparents to come to Canada as a permanent resident, you must:

  • support them financially.
  • make sure they don’t need social assistance from the government
  • provide for your own essential needs and those of your parents and grandparents and their dependant

Any relative immigrating to Canada within the Family Class must have a sponsor. Both the person sponsoring a relative and the person wishing to immigrate to Canada must meet certain requirements.

Applicants for permanent residence must go through:

  • medical exams
  • criminal checks
  • background checks

An applicant with a criminal record may not be allowed to enter Canada. People who pose a risk to Canada’s security are not allowed to enter Canada. The applicant may have to provide a certificate from police authorities in the home country.

You and the sponsored relative must sign a sponsorship agreement that:

  1. commits you to provide financial support for your relative (and any other eligible relatives accompanying them):
    • for a period of three to 20 years
    • depending on their age and relationship to you
    • beginning on the date they become a permanent resident
  2. states that the persons becoming permanent residents will make every effort to support themselves

Dependent children under age 19 do not have to sign the agreement.

Quebec residents must sign an “undertaking” with the province of Quebec. This is a contract that binds your sponsorship.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]

Who isn’t eligible to sponsor a parent or grandparent?

You may not be eligible to sponsor your parents and grandparents if you:

  • are in prison
  • defaulted on an immigration loan (late or missed payments)
  • have declared bankruptcy and haven’t been released from it yet
  • received government financial assistance for reasons other than a disability
  • didn’t pay a court-ordered support order, such as alimony or child support
  • didn’t provide the financial support you agreed to when you signed a sponsorship agreement to sponsor another relative in the past
  • were convicted of a violent criminal offense, any offense against a relative or any sexual offense, depending on circumstances, such as:
    • the nature of the offense
    • how long ago it occurred
    • whether a record suspension (formerly called “pardons” in Canada) was issued

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