Spine Surgery Program

Spine surgery program

Common symptoms in spine related disorder

1. Neck pain radiating to upper limbs and back pain radiating to lower limbs.

2. Tingling sensations in hand and feet

3. Numbness and stiffness in limbs

4. Difficulty in walking

Generally speaking not all patients require surgery. 80 percent of the patients can be managed with medicines and physiotherapy. But there are other 20 percent that require neurosurgical intervention failing which patient can land in irreversible neurological damage.

Various surgical procedures that can be done for spine related disorders are and available at INDUS INTERNATIONAL HOSPITAL are:

1. Lumbar microdiscectomy : This surgery is done in general anaesthesia with small incision and microscope is used .

2. Cervical disc : This surgery is done with anterior approach of neck and done under high magnification microscope.

3. Cervical disk replacement: For young patients with cervical disk disk can be replaced with artificial disk which retains original biomechanics of spine.

4. Spinal fusion procedures for spinal fracture.

5. Spondylolisthesis surgery

6. Minimal invasive spine surgery

7. Vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty

8. Spine tumour surgeries

Benefits of Minimal invasive spine surgery:

1. Faster return to routine activity

2. Less postoperative pain

3. Less damage to muscle and skin

4. Small scars

Spinal injury:

It leads to instability of spine , weakness of limbs , disturbance of bowel bladder or disability. Spinal injury of any level can be corrected by surgical methods.

Spinal infection:

All types of spinal infections such as tubercular and pyogenic can be managed either by surgery or medicines .Outcome is good if treated in time . Congenital spinal problems can be treated and corrected according to merit of case .

Decision to go for spine surgery:

To improve quality of life ,to provide biomechanical stability to spine, making life more enjoyable reducing pain and improving independence .

Role of patient :

You are not ill like many other hospitalised patients . You have taken a decision to improve quality of life . Keeping a positive attitude help in recovering at fast pace . More physically active you are , better u will be able to get around.

After surgery :

1. Patient may need to wear lumbar belt or collar to promote recovery

2. Normal diet is started in the evening of surgery

3. Cervical patients might experience pain while swallowing which decreases with time

4. One can move around very next day of surgery.

Recovery at home

Incisions heal quickly . They usually do not need to cover .

Keep them clean and dry

Walk at least four times a day.

Common queries of surgery :

1. Will I be able to climb stairs after surgery.

Yes u can

2. Will need home care

Most patients do not need nurse after discharge . However physiotherapist help maybe required according to ur surgery

3. Will I be able to take shower

Yes after 2 days post surgery u can take shower but no for tub bath

4. When will I be able to join work?

Most patients take at least 2 to 4 weeks off . However some stiffness and numbness may persist for months

There is common notion among people about the safety of spinal procedures :

Now days with better technology and better instruments , spine surgeries are safe and there is no need to worry . Trust and positive attitude with blessings of almighty do wonders.